2008年11月24日 星期一

2008.10 speech review @ 視覺之旅

探戈背包客系列講座‧ 2008.10 視覺之旅
Backpacker Tanguera/Tangueros in October‧We See
Speaker: Lu, Yuru
10月份資深探戈背包客: 朱秀櫻
Backpacker Tanguera in October: Doreen Chu

Q: 阿根廷探戈的四大視覺鍛鍊場合: The biggest four occasions to "see" tango.
1. 城市探索與課堂 In the city and its class
2. 練習時間 Practica / practiloga
3. 舞會米隆加 Milonga
4. 大型活動與表演 Exhibitions/Festival/Workshops

Q: 最感動的一場演出 The most touched exhibition:

演出者 : Carlos Gavito y Maria Plazaola
曲目: Milonga Para Gavito
連結: http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=rSwH3DVFiqM

Carlos Gavito(1942-2005)
曾於百老匯音樂劇Forever Tango編舞及演出
"The secret of tango is in this impossible moment of improvisation that happens between step and step. It is to make the impossible thing possible, to dance silence...A good dancer is one who listens to the music...We dance the music not the steps."

Q: 最推薦的探戈城市 The most recommended tango cities:

阿根廷境外好舞者齊聚之大型探戈城市: 柏林、漢堡
The biggest tango city outside Argentina: Berin, Hamburg (Germany)
The most active city in tango art : Paris (France)
最具潛力探戈新都: 伊斯坦堡、莫斯科
The most potential tango cities: Istanbul(Turkey), Moscow(Russia)
最優海灘探戈小鎮: 西雀思(西班牙)
The most relaxing beach for tango: Sitges (Spain)
北美最活躍探戈城市: 舊金山、波特蘭、蒙特婁、華盛頓
The most prosperous city in North America: San Francisco, Portland, Montreal, Wahington DC

Q: 最推薦的探戈節The most recommended tango festival:

Tylosand (Sweden)

above reference provided by Doreen Chu, edited by Yuru *